Tuesday, April 26, 2011



An important step in developing a long-term fitness program is to determine your goals. Is your primary goal to lose weight? Improve muscle tone? Relieve stress? Prepare for the spring racing schedule? Knowing what your goals are will help you develop a more successful exercise program. If possible, try to define your personal goals in precise, measurable terms over specific periods of time. Examples of these goals might include:
  • Decrease your waistline by two inches over the next two months.
  • Run the local 5K race this summer.
  • Get 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise at least five days per week.
  • Improve your race time by two minutes over the next year.
  • Move from walking a mile to jogging a mile within the next three months.
The more specific the goal, the easier it will be to track your progress. If your goals are long-term, divide them into monthly and weekly segments. Long-term goals can lose some of the motivational benefits. Short-term goals are easier to achieve and will allow you to see the progress you are making. Every time you reach a goal, it is important to set a new goal. This will lead to a healthier lifestyle and will provide the motivation that you will need to move forward.
Track Your Progress
Now that you have set your exercise goals, it is time to write them down and make an exercise schedule that will help you achieve them. By keeping a fitness diary, you will stay motivated and know where you are in terms of reaching your goals. As time goes on, you will be able to look back with pride to see how far you've come.


A warm-up activity should be a progressive aerobic activity that utilizes the muscles you will be using during the workout. There is no set warm-up intensity. A typical warm-up will produce a small amount of perspiration, but not leave you feeling fatigued. Intensity and fitness level will affect the duration of your warm-up, but 5-10 minutes is usually recommended.
Exercise Duration
A common question asked is, 'how much exercise do I need?' We recommend following the guidelines set up by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) for healthy aerobic activity.
  • Exercise three to five days per week.
  • Warm up for five to 10 minutes before aerobic activity.
  • Maintain your exercise activity for 30 to 45 minutes.
  • Gradually decrease the intensity of your workout, then stretch to cool down during the last five to 10 minutes.
If weight loss is a major goal, participate in your aerobic activity at least 30 minutes for five days each week.
Exercise Intensity
The next question asked is, 'how hard do I need to work out?' To reap the most cardiovascular benefits from your workout, it is necessary to exercise within a recommended intensity range. We recommend using one of two methods to measure exercise intensity. These two methods are performed by monitoring your exercise heart rate or by using the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE).
Target Heart Rate
Target Heart Rate is a percentage of your maximum heart rate. Target Heart Rate will vary for each individual depending on age, current level of conditioning, and personal fitness goals. Exercise heart rate should range from 55% to 85% of your maximum heart rate. As a point of reference, we use the predicted maximum heart rate formula of (220 minus age) to determine your heart rate training zone. Please use the following chart to determine your predicted Target Heart Rate.
Heart Rate Zones
If you are a 30-year-old, your predicted maximum heart rate is 190 based on the (220 minus age) formula.
220 - 30 = 190
Based on the chart above, your heart rate training zone is 104 to 161, which is
55%-85% of 190.
Rate of Perceived Exertion
Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) is one of the easiest ways to monitor exercise intensity. By becoming familiar with the RPE scale, you can continually assess your level of intensity and insure a level of exertion that is comfortable. An increase in exercise intensity is directly related to elevation in exercise heart rate. Consequently, RPE can be used alone or together with heart rate when monitoring exercise intensity.
0 Nothing at all
.5 Very, very weak
1 Very weak
2 Weak
3 Moderate
4 Somewhat strong
5 Strong
7 Very strong
10 Very, very, strong
The recommended RPE range during exercise for most people is between 3 (moderate) and 5 (strong). The RPE should be independent of your pace.
Balanced Fitness
While cardiovascular exercise has been the primary method of fitness for many programs over the years, it should not be the only method. Strength Training and Flexibility Training have become more popular as exercise has developed. Incorporating Strength and Flexibility Training into your current exercise program will give you the balance you need to improve your athletic performance, reduce susceptibility to injury, increase metabolic rate, increase bone density, and reach your goals faster.
Strength Training
Strength Training was once known as an activity performed by young males only. That has changed with the advances in scientific research on Strength Training over the last 20 years or so. Research has proven that, after age 30, we begin to lose muscle mass if we do not incorporate Strength Training into our exercise program. With this decrease in muscle mass, our ability to burn calories decreases, our physical ability to do work decreases and our susceptibility to injuries increases. The good news is that, with a proper Strength Training program, we can maintain or even build muscle as we age. A proper Strength Training program will work the muscle groups of the upper and lower body. There are now many options available for Strength Training including: yoga, Pilates, selectorized machines, free weights, stability balls or medicine balls, exercise tubing and body weight exercises, just to name a few.
Recommendations for a minimum Strength Training program include:
Frequency: Two to three days per week
Volume: One to three sets consisting of eight to 12 repetitions.
Flexibility Training is not associated with fitness as often as cardiovascular exercise or Strength Training, even though it is just as important. A good stretching program will help to maintain flexibility of the hips and lower back. A flexible person will be less likely to injure themselves in common activities, such as reaching, twisting and turning, or in uncommon activities such as the annual softball tournament.
Before stretching, take a few minutes to warm up the muscles because stretching a cold muscle can cause injury. Start your stretch slowly, exhaling as you gently stretch the muscle. Try to hold each stretch 15 to 30 seconds. Don't bounce when you stretch. Holding a stretch offers less chance of injury. Don't strain or push a muscle too far. If it hurts, ease up. Here are a few stretches you can incorporate into your exercise program:
Sit on the floor with your legs together and straight out in front of you. Do not lock your knees. Extend your fingers toward your toes, exhaling as you go. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Return to the start position, and repeat as necessary.
Seated Toe Touch
Using a wall to provide balance, grasp your left ankle with your left hand and hold to stretch. Your knee should be pointing toward the floor. Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat with your right leg, and continue to alternate as necessary.
Quadriceps Stretch
Standing about three to four feet from the wall, take one step forward with your right foot. Place your hands on the wall in front of you. Bend your right leg slowly, using your movement to control the amount of stretch in the left calf. Your left heel should remain on the ground. Slowly bring yourself back to the starting position and switch legs. Repeat as necessary.
Standing Calf Stretch
Grasp an immovable object (pole or corner of a wall) with your feet planted firmly and evenly on the floor. With the palm of your stretched side facing forward, rotate your hips away from that hand. Be careful not to rotate too far or hyperextend the elbow joint. Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat with the opposite side, and continue to alternate as necessary.
Stand erect with your eyes fixated straight ahead. Raise and bend your right arm until your forearm is parallel to the floor (palm down). Grasp the area below the right elbow with your left hand. Gently apply a constant upward force for 15 to 30 seconds. Switch arms and repeat as necessary.
Make sure your feet are even and planted firmly on the floor. Grasp your right arm, behind the elbow, with your left hand. While keeping both elbows bent, apply a gentle, constant pull to the left for 15 to 30 seconds. Switch arms and repeat as necessary.
Stand facing an immovable object, feet even and flat on the floor. Grasp the object (fingers interlocked or one hand over the other) and slowly move your hips to the rear. Be very careful not to round your back. Only stretch as far as your comfort zone. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds and repeat as necessary.

If you experience chest pains, dizziness or shortness of breath, stop exercising immediately and consult your physician before continuing any exercise.

Brought to you by Vision Fitness http://home.visionfitness.com/wellness-tools/general-fitness-info/

Monday, April 18, 2011



Your “core” is made up of the muscles in your abdomen, back and sides. When these muscles are all strong and toned, you stand straighter, your tummy gets flatter and your waist looks smaller. A well-toned torso makes your whole body look and feel slimmer, fitter and healthier.
Following these tips from Life Fitness will improve your core strength and have a positive impact on every move you make. Three core sessions per week, paired with a solid cardio program and calorie controlled diet, will get you on your way to tight abs just in time for summer.
Keep up the cardio. Incorporate a 30 to 45-minute cardio workout at least five days a week if you are serious about peeling off some of the flab. Try a session on an elliptical cross-trainer or treadmill, take a spin class or do laps in the pool.
Manage your diet. Remember the concept of calories-in versus calories-out to burn off extra body fat. You must burn more calories than you consume to see significant results. No one will see your hot new abs if there is body fat shielding them.
Try standard crunches. Standard crunches have replaced the traditional sit-up. To do a crunch correctly, keep your lower back on the ground with hands behind your head, fingers unclasped. Bend your legs at the knee with your heels slightly raised from the ground and use only your ab muscles to lift your upper body toward your knees. Hold for two seconds, then repeat. Try three sets of 25 during each core workout.
Test out bicycle crunches. This exercise requires both upper and lower ab muscles because your legs will move in a bicycle motion as your body is raised in a crunch. Lie flat on your back with hands behind your head. Lift your legs off the mat and move them through the motions of riding a bicycle, meeting your right knee with the left elbow and vice versa. Try three sets of 20 during each core workout.
Stabilize your crunches. Balancing on a ball makes your abs work harder than standard crunches. Sit on the balance ball, roll slightly forward to find a comfortable lying position for your lower back and keep your feet wide for a balanced base. Cross your arms over your chest and contract your abs to lift your torso off the ball – hold for two seconds and lower yourself back down on the ball. Try three sets of 20 during each core workout.
Fit Tips are provided by Life Fitness, the leader in designing and manufacturing high-quality exercise equipment for fitness facilities and homes worldwide. For more information on Fit Tips and other fitness advice and expertise visit http://www.lifefitness.com/

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cardio Execise: Do It For Your Heart

Cardio Execise: Do It For Your Heart

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 10 times as many women die of heart disease as breast cancer each year, but only 20 percent of women consider heart disease their greatest health risk. Follow these tips from the exercise experts at Life Fitness to help you take preventative steps towards reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Adults should get at least two and a half hours of moderate cardiovascular activity a week - working to meet this weekly goal will be a great start to reducing your risk of fatal heart disease.
Starting a Cardio Program
  • To qualify as cardio exercise, the activity should be continuous and require use of the large muscle groups like arms, legs, thighs and abs.

  • Aim to do at least 20 minutes of cardio exercise three to five days a week; devoting 60 minutes is ideal, but if your schedule doesn’t allow for hour-long workouts, concentrate on the intensity of your efforts during the time you do have.

  • For low-to-moderate intensity, exercise at 60 to 75 percent of your maximum heart rate. Adding in high-intensity intervals as you progress will burn more calories and increase your aerobic capacity. For high-intensity exercise, increase your efforts to reach 80 to 90 percent of your MHR.

  • If you ever experience dizziness, chest pain or lightheadedness while exercising, stop immediately. If you’re unsure whether high-intensity cardio exercises are appropriate for you, talk to your physician before starting a routine.

Heart-Healthy Cardio Benefits
  • Endorphins released during cardiovascular exercise will naturally elevate your mood and increase your energy levels.

  • Cardio-based workouts kick up your metabolism rate, so weight loss will be easier to achieve.

  • Cardio exercise helps reduce symptoms of anxiety, stress, depression and tension, and allows for better quality sleep.

  • Blood pressure can decrease and levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL), known as good cholesterol, can increase as a direct result of continuous cardio exercise.

  • Increased blood flow stemming from cardio exercise will deliver more oxygenated blood to the working muscle, giving it the fuel it needs to perform at its best.

Be patient with your body and take time to transition from lower to higher intensity cardio workouts. If you invest the time, cardio exercise can offer your heart significant health benefits that could help save your life.
Fit Tips are provided by Life Fitness, the leader in designing and manufacturing high-quality exercise equipment for fitness facilities and homes worldwide. For more information on Fit Tips and other fitness advice and expertise visit

Monday, April 4, 2011



It’s time to reawaken the hibernating bear in all of us and kick start a commitment to good health. Follow these tips from the experts at Life Fitness to recognize the excuses that may be sabotaging your seasonal goals.
Excuse #1: I’m too overweight to exercise.
Some people are afraid to join a gym because they think they’ll be the only overweight person there. In fact, you will find people of all shapes, sizes at the gym and most gym-goers will be far too focused on their own bodies to pay any attention to yours.
Even if a gym environment is not right for you, there are plenty of other options. Put on a pair of walking shoes and start striding through your neighborhood in the morning. If you’re not comfortable with exercising in public, perhaps it’s time for you to invest in a piece of home cardio equipment. Doing so will allow you to exercise in the privacy of your own home.
Excuse #2: Exercise is boring.
It doesn’t have to be. Variety and playfulness are essential to healthy movement. When you were a kid, exercise was fun because you didn’t call it exercise. You called it ’riding bikes’ or ‘going swimming’ or ‘playing tag’. At what age did we stop having fun through movement?
Try putting activities like this on your list: play hide-and-seek with your kids; play Frisbee with your dog; play tennis with your spouse on Saturday mornings. The important word here is play. If you’re working out indoors, make your experience fun by watching a movie or listening to great music while you’re moving.
Excuse #3: I don’t have time to exercise.
The calories you burn at 6:00 PM are no different than the calories you burn at 6:00 AM. The important thing is to work on your cumulative caloric burn throughout the day.
Making a 10-minute workout your very first activity of the day is a great way to start your mornings. If you are not a morning person, try fitting a 10-minute workout into your lunch break. Or take 10 minutes for exercise as soon as you get home from work, while watching your favorite news show or sitcom. If you manage to do all three, congratulations! Those 30 minutes of exercise are just as good for you as one full 30-minute session.
Excuse #4: It’s my genetics.
This is true to a point – genetics play a role in cholesterol and heart disease, but 70 percent of aging is simply lifestyle. So the little choices you make every day – like taking 10 minutes at the beginning and end of your day for exercise – are just as important as genetics in determining how long you live and how well you feel.

Fit Tips are provided by Life Fitness, the leader in designing and manufacturing high-quality exercise equipment for fitness facilities and homes worldwide. For more information on Fit Tips and other fitness advice and expertise visit http://www.lifefitness.com/.